5Grade 5 Worksheets
- Estimation
- Number Properties
5.2Inequalities with Similar Fractions Up to 12
5.3Equal Fractions with Denominators of 10, 100, 1000
5.4Convert Fractions and Mixed Numbers to Decimals
5.5Convert Decimals to Fractions and Mixed Numbers
5.41Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers
5.42Multiply Fractions
5.43Multiply Fractions
5.44Multiply a Mixed Number by a Whole Number
5.45Mixed Fraction Equations with Mixed Numbers Up to 10
5.47Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers
5.48Add, Subtract Fractions with Like Denominators
5.49Addition and Subtraction Equations with Fractions
5.50Subtract Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators
5.51Inequalities with Addition and Subtraction of Mixed Numbers
5.52Convert Between Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers
5.53Add Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators
5.54Addition and Subtraction Equations with Mixed Numbers
5.4Convert Fractions and Mixed Numbers to Decimals
5.5Convert Decimals to Fractions and Mixed Numbers
5.6Compare Decimal Numbers Up to 2 Places
5.25Add and Subtract Decimal Numbers Up to 2 Places
5.26Add and Subtract Decimals Up to 10
5.28Complete the Addition or Subtraction Sentence
5.29Inequalities with Decimal Addition and Subtraction
5.30Multiply Decimals with Numbers Up to 10
5.31Multiply Decimals with Numbers Up to 1000
5.32Multiply Decimals and Whole Numbers
5.34Multiply Decimals with 3 Numbers Up to 10
5.35Multiply Decimals with Numbers Up to 10 II
5.37Division with Decimal Quotients
5.40Multiply Decimals Using Grids
- Comparison
- Division
Mixed Equations
5.17Extra or Missing Information
5.25Add and Subtract Decimal Numbers Up to 2 Places
5.26Add and Subtract Decimals Up to 10
5.28Complete the Addition or Subtraction Sentence
5.29Inequalities with Decimal Addition and Subtraction
5.45Mixed Fraction Equations with Mixed Numbers Up to 10
5.47Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers
5.48Add, Subtract Fractions with Like Denominators
5.49Addition and Subtraction Equations with Fractions
5.51Inequalities with Addition and Subtraction of Mixed Numbers
5.54Addition and Subtraction Equations with Mixed Numbers
5.55Simplify Expressions
5.20Write Variable Expressions
5.21Write Variable Equations to Represent
5.22Find Two Numbers Based on the Sum and the Difference
5.23Find Two Numbers Based on the Operation
5.54Addition and Subtraction Equations with Mixed Numbers
5.55Simplify Expressions
5.119Write Variable Expressions
5.120Write Variable Expressions
- Money
5.30Multiply Decimals with Numbers Up to 10
5.31Multiply Decimals with Numbers Up to 1000
5.34Multiply Decimals with 3 Numbers Up to 10
5.35Multiply Decimals with Numbers Up to 10 II
5.41Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers
5.42Multiply Fractions
5.43Multiply Fractions
5.44Multiply a Mixed Number by a Whole Number
- Subtraction
- Addition
5.56Find the Perimeter
5.57Perimeter: Find the Missing Side Length
5.58Compare Area and Perimeter of Two Figures
5.59Use Area and Perimeter to Determine the Cost
5.60Relationship Between Area and Perimeter
5.62Area of Squares and Rectangles
5.65Relationship Between Area and Perimeter
5.66Use Area and Perimeter to Determine the Cost
5.67Compare Area and Perimeter of Two Figures
5.68Perimeter with Unit Squares
5.82Parts of a Circle
5.91Acute, Right, Obtuse, and Straight Angles
5.92Identify Planar and Solid Shapes
5.93Types of Triangles
5.94Which 2 Dimensional Shape Is Described?
5.95Classify Quadrilateral Shapes
5.96Types of Triangles
5.97Classify Quadrilateral Shapes
5.61Which Metric Unit Is Appropriate?
5.69Compare and Convert Customary Units
5.70Compare and Convert Metric Units
5.71Compare Customary Units by Multiplying
5.72Convert Customary Units Involving Fractions
5.73Convert Mixed Customary Units
5.75Compare Metric Units by Multiplying
5.76Convert Metric Units Involving Fractions
5.77Convert Mixed Metric Units
5.80Compare Metric Units by Multiplying
5.88Which Metric Unit Is Appropriate?
5.83Find Start and End Times
5.85Fractions of Time Units
5.87Find the Change in Time
5.89Find the Change in Time I
5.90Time Patterns
Number Patterns
5.90Time Patterns
5.98Counting Principle
5.107Calculate Mean
5.108Calculate Mode
5.109Calculate Range
5.110Calculate Median
5.111Calculate Mean, Median, Mode and Range
5.99Interpret Bar Graphs
5.100Interpret Line Graphs
5.101Interpret Double Line Graphs
5.102Interpret Pictographs
5.105Choose the Best Graph Type
5.106Interpret Circle Graphs
The third grade is the start of multiplication, mixed fractions, and more complex number properties. As the math skills start becoming more complicated, students may need some extra help to truly grasp the concepts. Our teachers help fill the gaps in learning and offer their best tips in figuring out
- Students learn about angles, multiplication rules, measurements, and other third-grade math skills.
- On-demand videos for math skills by teachers who specialize in teaching math to younger students.
- Learn and master the fundamentals of algebra to prepare for more complex concepts in the next grade.